XenonStack Recommends


FinOps for Azure

Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | 23 August 2024

FinOps for Azure
Azure FinOps: A Complete Guide to Streamlining Your Financials


Utilizing cloud services requires a new approach to resource allocation and cost management, which impacts budgeting and financial oversight. Although managing the cost model of cloud services can be challenging, it offers enhanced control and transparency over expenditures.

FinOps encompasses various aspects of a business that interact with cloud services, including engineering, finance, product development, procurement, and leadership

Trade-Offs and the FinOps Triangle


Cloud computing is a complex entity that encompasses individuals, procedures, and technology. The FinOps approach directs efforts toward optimizing the utilization of cloud resources.


To effectively manage costs, trade-offs need to be considered, and a balance between the company's objectives, such as speed (time to market), quality (performance, reliability, availability), and expenses, needs to be struck.


FinOps principles in relation to Azure

FinOps is a discipline in cloud financial management that enables organizations to optimize business value through collaboration among various stakeholders, such as finance, IT, leadership, and engineering. It leverages the cloud's variable cost model.

Microsoft Solutions

The below solutions will serve as the means to execute the FinOps principles effectively.


Principle 1: Team Collaboration

Collaboration within an organization is essential for enhancing practices, increasing efficiency, and fostering innovation. In the context of FinOps, various teams, such as engineering, finance, technology, and business, collaborate to share responsibility for cloud management.

Key capabilities

  • Establish a culture of FinOps: Cultivate a sense of responsibility within the organization to emphasize that effective cloud cost management involves utilizing FinOps to enhance the generation of business value.

  • Establish a structure for FinOps decision-making and accountability: Clearly outline roles and tasks, assign responsibilities, and pinpoint gaps in cloud cost management across teams.

  • Optimize commitment-based discounts: To fully utilize these discounts, teams must work closely together to coordinate forecasting and planning efforts.

Key milestones


The following table establishes the approach for adopting FinOps's culture of collaboration in an organization using its three phases: Crawl, Walk, and Run.

Adopting these principles with Microsoft solutions


Microsoft upholds these FinOps principles through various solutions:

  • Microsoft Cost Management: Determine whether individuals from business, engineering, and finance teams should be included in budget alerts and identify suitable automation. Enable data visibility to facilitate collaboration and establish a centralized team.

  • Azure Policy: Facilitate the enforcement of organizational standards and evaluate compliance on a larger scale.

  • Microsoft Power BI: Generate, distribute, and utilize business insights that optimally serve your role and requirements.

  • Azure Monitor Workbooks: Gain valuable insights into cost optimization and effectively manage Azure resources that may impact expenses.

  • Azure Advisor: Analyze resource configuration and usage telemetry to receive recommendations for enhancing the cost-effectiveness, performance, reliability, and security of Azure resources.

  • Microsoft Azure learning paths: Enhance your productivity and enable your organization to achieve more through acquiring new skills with Microsoft Certifications.

Principle 2: Decisions are driven by the business value of the cloud

Teams use real-time data to impact cloud spending and make data-driven decisions. By applying cloud unit economics, companies can define and monitor business value metrics, showcasing the impact of decision-making. This helps organizations understand the relationship between cloud spending and business growth.

Key capabilities

  • Monitoring resource usage: Tracking the utilization of resources to ensure that the cloud costs are justified by the business value they provide.

  • Analyzing data: Utilizing data to establish a reporting system that enables real-time insights for cost allocation, optimization, and decision-making based on value.

  • Calculating costs per unit: Creating metrics that uncover the business value through cloud unit economics.

Key milestones

The following table establishes the approach for adopting FinOps cloud business decision-making in an organization using the three phases of FinOps: Crawl, Walk, and Run.


Adopting this principle with Microsoft solutions

Microsoft provides a range of solutions to support value-based decision-making. These include:

  • Microsoft Cost Management: Monitor and track usage patterns to optimize costs and gain valuable insights.

  • Microsoft Power BI: Access real-time analytics and generate reports for data-driven decisions.

  • Well-Architected Review: Tailored assessment with optimization recommendations based on the Well-Architected Framework.

  • Azure savings offers: Pricing benefits and savings plans to save costs while leveraging Azure's capabilities.

  • Azure Advisor: Actionable recommendations to optimize Azure resources across multiple dimensions.

  • Microsoft Azure learning paths: Acquire new skills and certifications to increase productivity and achieve more with Microsoft technologies.

Principle 3: Taking ownership of cloud usage

When costs are not appropriately distributed, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the true costs and cost overruns.

Through FinOps, the responsibility for usage and cost must be decentralized to the developers and engineers who are accountable for constructing cloud resources.

Key capabilities

  • Resource optimization: Monitoring resource utilization to ensure costs align with performance and quality metrics.

  • Expense distribution: Allocating cloud service invoices among different IT groups using a consistent hierarchy of accounts.

  • Management of shared expenses: Dividing shared costs to understand the true cost of products.

  • Chargeback and financial integration: Automating expense charging to specific business units through integration with internal financial tools.

Key milestones

The following table establishes the approach for decentralizing ownership of cloud usage in an organization using FinOps's three phases: Crawl, Walk, and Run.


Adopting this principle with Microsoft solutions

Microsoft supports this segregated ownership principle with the following solutions:


  • Microsoft Cost Management simplifies the task of distributing responsibility for cloud costs. It provides detailed reports to monitor and analyze cloud spending, manage budgets, export data, and optimize costs.

  • Azure Policy establishes guardrails for better control and optimization of cloud expenditure, ensuring maximum value from your investment.

  • Microsoft Power BI visualizes and shares cloud usage data through customized reports tailored to your specific KPIs, enabling informed decision-making based on accurate insights.

  • Azure Advisor offers personalized recommendations to optimize resources, reduce costs, and enhance cloud investment efficiency and performance.

  • Microsoft Azure learning paths and certifications empower organizations to acquire new skills and boost productivity, helping them achieve their goals effectively.

Principle 4: Reports should be accessible and timely

Accessible and timely reports improve efficiency by enabling quick feedback loops, particularly in analyzing cloud cost and usage data within FinOps.

This relies on the effective ingestion and normalization of data, with a focus on promptly processing and sharing cost data.

Key capabilities

  • Data ingestion and normalization transform data sets to create a centralized repository for cloud cost management.

  • Forecasting helps plan for future changes in cloud infrastructure and application lifecycles to make informed budget decisions.

  • Managing anomalies involves detecting, identifying, and minimizing unexpected cloud costs to prevent negative impacts on business operations.

Key milestones

The following table establishes the approach for generating reports of cloud usage in an organization using FinOps's three phases: Crawl, Walk, and Run.


Adopting this principle with Microsoft solutions

Microsoft supports this FinOps principle with the following solutions:


  • Microsoft Azure Cost Management helps monitor, allocate, and optimize costs for Cloud workloads.
  • Use Microsoft Power BI for efficient analysis and oversight of Azure costs.
  • View daily breakdowns of Azure usage and charges in the Azure portal.
  • Improve skills and productivity with Microsoft Azure learning paths for valuable certifications.

Principle 5: Benefiting from the variable cost model of the cloud

Resource provisioning in a pay-as-you-go manner allows for flexibility in budget allocation and adjustment based on evolving business needs. Operational expenses can be minimized through the reduction of unused capacity and the workforce required to maintain system infrastructure.

Key capabilities

  • FinOps Education: Providing training and educational opportunities to accelerate FinOps adoption.

  • Cloud Budget Projection: Understanding how changes in cloud infrastructure can impact budgets and future investment decisions.

  • FinOps Accountability Framework: Establishing roles and responsibilities for decision-making and accountability in cloud management.

Key milestones


Adopting this principle with Microsoft solutions

Consider the following Microsoft cost management solutions to help your organization take advantage of the variable cost model.


  • Microsoft Cost Management allows you to effectively monitor and analyze usage patterns across various resources, enabling you to consistently optimize costs.

  • Discover Azure savings offers that provide pricing benefits and savings plans, including Reserved Instances, Saving Plan for Compute, and Azure Hybrid Benefit.

  • Leverage Azure Advisor to receive actionable recommendations that help optimize your Azure resources for reliability, security, operational excellence, performance, and cost.

  • Enhance your productivity and empower your organization to achieve more with Microsoft Certifications by exploring the comprehensive learning paths offered by Microsoft Azure.


The document covers the concept of FinOps for Azure, focusing on principles and Microsoft solutions that support an organization's cloud financial journey. It highlights the cloud's variable cost model and the role FinOps plays in managing cloud spending and empowering stakeholders to take ownership of their costs. The text outlines the trade-offs and the FinOps triangle, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, value-based decisions, ownership, and accessible and timely reports in cloud usage