Greetings Graduates
Welcome one and all to this voyage of 'Evolution of Graduate' that begins with exploration and discovery, filled with experiments and novelty, and that ends at infinity. Featured below are certain aspects of joining and working with us. Know how working with us will motivate you to learn and grow consequently. Before we go ahead, acknowledge what our team member has to share with you all.
Why Young People Love Working With Us?
Primarily, the nature of ‘Never Ending Experimentation‘ is the beauty of your Journey with us. We, as a team, constantly try to experiment for the evolution of graduate, keeping in mind the bigger picture. Graduate students' evolution is basically surrounded by below-mentioned facets, limited to only XenonStack.
The first week at XenonStack is mostly familiarisation with the Novel & Niche Technologies and their future.
After that, certain modules and online resources are provided to allow the upskilling and getting a 360-degree view and learning to the basics of the technologies.
On the job learning from the team, Coaches, Head Coaches, and Mentors will be provided throughout the process. “Don’t worry Sachin; I’ll help you master that stroke!”
Working on ‘Live Projects‘ at an early stage of a career is a big step towards the evolution of graduates.
The training at various levels in the life cycle keeps the graduate students' evolution up to the mark.
When You Will Began Your Journey With Us
We acknowledge and understand the time you spent studying in college, but it must be kept in mind that it wouldn’t always be directly related to the project you would end up on. Remember, it’s not just you; many are on the same boat. But what’s more important is the general skills you have learnt in college; team-work, problem-solving and time management. We do not expect you to know everything. Instead, we make constant effort to get you integrated into the company and speed up the process of what you need to know. No wonder we are regarded as the ' best place to work' around.
1. We Will Strengthen and Shape you
In this, we aim to make you comfortable with upcoming innovations in technology, get you to know where the market is heading and how you can initiate a change. In the next few weeks, we will be familiarising you with the foundation of the whole game. After successfully going through the first episode, you move on to the next one.
2. We Will Train and Guide You
This episode focuses on “ Getting into the skin”, i.e. you will be doing practical tasks that will give you a look of ‘How are the real projects in the world handled like’. After a successful second episode, you will move on to the third one.
3. And You Are a Professional Now
This episode will be the real deal, where you will get the chance to Implement all your learning on the Live Projects. You will indeed get a chance to prove your mettle in the international markets. This is how a graduate students' evolution process works under our name. You’ll learn about everything, from the basics like how to log your hours, to how to improve your communication and presentation skills. The team spends enough time in this time with New Hires in helping with the issues they encounter on the way to become a part of them. Sounds interesting for the evolution of graduate, right? When you land on your first task, you may not know most of the things. Yes, having no prior experience of any of the technologies may come as daunting at first, but the treatment you will receive from your teams, Coaches and Head Coaches will make it feel like a cakewalk. This way, we significantly cooperate in graduate students' evolution to become professional in his/her field, AI, DataOps, or Decision Intelligence for reference.
“It’s not about just being better; it’s about being different. You need to give people a reason to choose your business”
- Tom Abbott
We are a team that uplifts each other and strives for each other’s success. We support each other and do not shy away from celebrating others' success. After such progressive learning episodes, you become a part of the revolution in the technological world through XenonStack. As the journey goes on, you walk briskly on the path to become the specialists and consequently exhibiting the top 5 traits of a XenonStack SuperStar. Now that is how we define the ' Evolution of Graduate'. Want to be a part of our organisation, APPLY NOW!
If you have the passion, dedication and zeal to do something different in the world of technology, then you are in good hands. Discover how has XenonStack as an organization helped its people become professional in their fields.