Introduction to Intelligent Enterprise
Intelligent and Enterprise are two different words, but collaboratively, they are means a lot. Intelligence in the field of computer science refers to a computer or precisely a machine which have its processing and computing capability, and Enterprise, in general, refers to the business or a company. So, Intelligent Enterprise refers to a business that has its computing and processing solutions, which can do the task in a faster way with lesser risk.
An intelligent enterprise Platform raises to the management approach that helps in applying technology and new service examples to the challenge of the betterment of performance related to an enterprise or an organization. James Brian Quinn introduced the concept of an Intelligent Enterprise in his book on Intelligent Enterprise.
The discipline that augments Data Science with theory from social science and decision theory. Click to explore about, Intelligent Decisioning System Tools and Principles
What is Intelligent Enterprise?
The intelligent enterprise represents the next era of enterprise computing.The vision of Intelligent Enterprise was introduced by SAP at the SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG annual conference, which was held in Florida, the United States, in 2018. According to SAP, Intelligent Enterprise mainly uses its data assets to achieve its desired outcomes faster and with fewer risks. This can be done with the help of new intelligent technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, the internet of things, blockchain, and many more. An intelligent enterprise is one, which combines a smart business application to gain insight and to help the companies to predict and lead in their market. The intelligent enterprise Platform is nothing but successfully applying the intelligence into business processes and customer experiences and bringing together the people, processes, and the data to build a fantastic object which can lead and rule the market.
Sap has added more than one thousand APIs and using these APIs, and we can convert any opportunity into a sale. These APIs are available at the SAP API Business Hub. There are several APIs open on this business hub, such as image recognition and image classification and several others.
Evolution of Digital Intelligence Enterprise
1960s - 1980s | Mainframe Computers | Large Mainframe computers, Transistors and silicon revolution. | Industrial Automation |
1990s - 2000s | Client-Server and Internet | Broadband Internet, Widespread PC adoption | Business Process Automation |
2000s - 2010s | Mobile, Cloud and Big Data | Mobile and Smartphones, Social Networks | Digital Transformation |
2010s - 2020s | Intelligent Technologies | Machine Learning, IoT and Blockchain | Intelligent Enterprise |
Intelligent Enterprise Platform Capabilities
There are three types of skills which an Intelligent Enterprise Platform can provide, and these three capabilities provide three types of outcomes, and these three capabilities are as follows -
- Visibility - The intelligent enterprise offers greater visibility. It provides an ability to collect and connect the information that was previously isolated from others and, therefore, can find the patterns that are previously hidden from view.
- Focus - On the top of the visibility, the intelligent enterprise provides focus i.e., the ability to replicate the impact of the potential options and through that replications to direct the scarce resources to the areas of the maximum impact.
- Agility - This the ability of an intelligent enterprise to respond faster to the changes which are going on at the marketplace or the business and to turn on the business processes towards the right customer outcomes.
Intelligent Process Automation applies AI and related new technologies, likewise cognitive Automation, computer vision, and machine learning, to RPA. Click to explore about, Intelligent Process Automation vs RPA
Components of Intelligent Enterprise Platform
Intelligent Enterprise comprised of three necessary components, and that is as follows -
- Intelligent Suite - It is generally made up of intelligent applications like customer experience, network, and speed management and digital core and for every line of business, so these applications provide an SAP cloud platform and SAP analysis cloud platform. Its main advantage is that it is modular, which makes it easy to consume and easy to operate.
- Digital Platform - It provides a uniform digital layer to capture real-time value from a different type of data on the cloud platform. It also offers high-performance data warehousing and various analysis capabilities.
- Intelligent Technologies - This consists of various new intelligent technologies like machine learning, internet of things, artificial intelligence, and also blockchain. These technologies help customers to do tasks quickly and with reduced risks as well.
Path For Creating an Intelligent enterprise
The way for creating an intelligent enterprise involves several analytic techniques such as cognitive analytics, prescriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and descriptive analytics. Cognitive Analytics -- Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence Prescriptive Analytics -- Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Machine Learning Predictive Analytics -- Clustering Classification, Regression
- Cognitive Analytics - This analytic technique involves human-like intelligence to a particular task, like understanding not only the words of a message but also the full context of what is being spoken or written there.It brings together several intelligent technologies that involve artificial intelligence algorithms, cognitive computing, and a vast number of learning technologies such as deep learning and machine learning.
- Prescriptive Analytics - It helps us in finding out the best set of actions for a given situation. It also helps in prescribing proper recommendations. It brings together several intelligent techniques such as neural networks, deep learning, and several machine learning algorithms.
- Descriptive Analytics - This generally gives a small window on business performance. For example: For an organization, it will be able to us what was the revenue of an organization, how much sales did an organization has, and many more. Now, the question raises will we that what will happen next. So, it will take place through predictive analytics.
- Predictive Analytics - As the name suggests predict so, it will tell us that what will happen next by using some past experiences.Although it is very remarkable, with the help of several techniques in data science, clustering classification, and regression, we will be able to answers the questions like which product a customer will buy next or which will fail.
Intelligent Enterprise Platform Use Cases
Intelligent Enterprise can be implemented in several business sectors. One of the best examples of intelligent enterprise which can increase the growth of a car manufacturing company. Suppose a person clicks a photo of a car and he likes it very much, so he posted that on the Instagram or twitter by adding an excellent comment to it and the car manufacturing company had notified that a person had posted a photo of that particular company’s car with the help of several new intelligent technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence. So, the company will send a notification to that specific person mentioning that if he or she is interested in buying a new car and if the person wants to buy it, then he will contact the dealer. So, in this way, an intelligent enterprise can help the company or the business to grow up.
The utilization of specialized software to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes with predicted results.. Click to explore about, Intelligent Test Automation in DevOps
One more feature that can be added to this is that the person who had posted that photo can select the colors or several other features of that product with the help of augmented reality, and it will help him in buying a right product. So, in this way, with the help of intelligent enterprise (intelligent technologies), the company can boost up its profit. Apart from this, Intelligent Enterprise has several other examples such as banking and financials, travel and hospitality, healthcare, transportation and logistics, media and entertainment, education, and many more.
Banking and Financials
Intelligent Enterprises plays a vital role in the field of banking and financials, such as in the prevention of fraud and risk management, and also its detection. It can also be able to tell us how to recover from those risks.It also provides feedback and sentiment analysis i.e., positive, negative, or neutral feedback. With the help of that feedback given from the customer, it offers a proper vision for the market.
Intelligent Enterprise also plays a very pivotal role when it comes to education, as with the help of several intelligent technologies, it provides a remote education to the students on a large scale. It also involves adaptive learning, which includes a commutative and a formative environment for the students.
With the help of various intelligent technologies like machine learning, the internet of things, artificial intelligence, and many others, we can make several products that can quickly grow up any healthcare enterprise.For example, with the help of machine learning and neural networks, we can make a skin disease detection app that can tell us the disease of the patient, and with the help of this, the enterprise will grow.
Logistics and Transportation
Transportation sectors are consisting of roadways, railways, and marine transport. When we talk about roadways, several features like dynamic pricing and traffic management can be helpful to it. Nowadays, dynamic pricing is used by various enterprises like OLA and UBER, as the increase their price when there is high traffic or when there is a massive demand for the vehicle.
Media and Entertainment
It involves various stuff like cyber attack and video and social media analytics, data journalism, and many more. Let’s take an example of any media player application.So, with the help of various intelligent technologies like artificial intelligence, the company can generate a proper playlist of songs that the user wants to listen to based on his previous searches and the songs he had heard to previously.
Travel and Hospitality
As goes with the media and entertainment, the same s with the travel and hospitality, it will show the things based on the previous searches. With the help of several intelligent technologies, we can create conversational UI chatbots, and the user will ask his queries from it, and based upon the data the chatbot contains, it will give the results.And with the help of the internet of things, we can make smart rooms for the customers, which would be beneficial for the organization.
These also consists of risks and fraud management. Because of the digitization, insurance companies had started using new technologies to attain their business targets. With the help of various techniques, they can collect the data and information on the customer.
An Intelligent Strategy
The process of becoming an Intelligent Enterprise starts from following the data and insight driven approach and adopt the latest technology and also parallelly remove old and obsolete technologies from their stack. To know more about What Does It Really Mean To Enable The Intelligent Enterprise we recommend taking the following steps -
- Discover more about Enterprise Application Services
- Read more about Cognitive Analytics Tools and its Applications