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Elevating IT Business Management with Now Assist

Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | 13 September 2024

Elevating IT Business Management with Now Assist
Now Assist for IT Business Management


The rapid and smooth tides of today's IT world impose a certain burden on the management of finance, resource utilization, project portfolio, and vendor relationships-integral areas to any kind of organizational success. ServiceNow provides a suite of integrated tools with the objective of optimizing those critical aspects through Now Assist. 

architecture diagram  Fig 1.0 Architecture Diagram 


The following brief provides an overview of how Now Assist enhances efficiency, aligns strategic goals, and delivers actionable insights in these four key areas:  

  • Optimization of Financial Management: Now Assist automates processes, provides granular insight, and aligns finances strategically to business objectives. It heralds the way financial operations are managed within organizations through the reduction in manual work and errors, real-time data availability, and alignment with strategy. 

  • SPM-Strategic Portfolio Management: Alignment of IT projects to the goals of the business holds the key to making IT successful. Advanced analytics from Now Assist provide organizations with deep insight into project performance and optimization of resource allocation while proactively managing risk for more efficient and successful project portfolios. 

  • Resource Management Efficiency: Resource management is crucial; this is where productivity is ensured. As a result, projects will not be delayed or have inflated prices. Now Assist automates resource scheduling, optimizes resource allocation, and provides useful insights to the organization for informed decisions toward greater overall efficiency. 

  • Vendor Management Processes: Vendor relationship management is important to any organization to ensure compliance, cost optimization, and effective and efficient partnerships. Now Assist automates performance tracking, unifies vendor data, and diminishes risk management and compliance in Vendor Management processes. 

The ensuing sections detail all of the above and do very well in outlining the challenges that typically confront organizations, how Now Assist addresses these challenges, and the features and implementation steps necessary to drive success. 

Optimizing Financial Management with Integrated Now Assist Tools 

financial management optimization with nowassist

Fig 2.0 Financial Management Optimization with NowAssist 


Effective financial management is basically effective IT business management. Now Assist offers integrated tools in ServiceNow for automating financial processes, surfacing detailed insights, and binding financial strategies to the goals of the business. Here's how Now Assist reimagines financial management: 

  • Automated Processes: Reduce manual work and errors. 

  • Detailed Insights: Real-time data of financials for informed decisions. 

  • Strategic Alignment: Align financial activities to business objectives. 

Key Features of Now Assist for Financial Management  

Domain Separation 

  • Isolated Financial Data: Segregates financial data by domain, enhancing security and compliance.   

  • Custom Configurations: Ensures that each business unit will get different financial configurations to suit the requirements.   

  • Better Data Security: Minimizes the risk of noncompliance by having isolated financial data environments.   

Application Portfolio Management APM Integration

  • Strategic Alignment: Ensures alignment of financial management with business objectives.  

  • Performance Indicators: Provides metrics on application financial performance assessment that drive strategic decisions. 

Integration of Service Portfolio Management (SPM)

  • Full View: It integrates all the financial data with the service portfolios and arrives at a comprehensive view of IT services.

  • Optimization: It provides financial insight into the optimization of the service portfolio.

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Performs the financial implications of the services.

Cost Transparency Setup

  •  Detailed Cost Breakdown: It sets up detailed cost models for the understanding and management of IT costs.

  • Actionable Insights: Provides analysis on how to reduce costs and financially optimize.

  • Cost Allocation: Better precision at the level of cost allocation for different projects and services.

Financial Reporting

  • Custom Reports: Integrates custom financial reporting against a business requirement.

  • Interactive Dashboards: Offers real-time financial data visualizations using interactive dashboards.

  • Automated Reporting: Automates the reporting process, hence saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Automated Test Framework (ATF)

  • Quick Start Tests: It has pre-built tests for the fast-tracking of financial management process validation.

  • Continuous Improvement: Ensures financial processes are invariably optimized.

  • Regression Testing: Changes and updates to financial management processes, validated without disturbing the operations.

Financial Content Pack for Dashboards

  • Pre-Built Dashboards: Ready-to-use dashboards for instant financial performance insights.

  • Customizable Widgets: Widgets can be customized to show the most relevant financial data.

  • Real-time Updates: Ensures real-time updates of data in the dashboards for timely decisions.

Implementation of Now Assist for Financial Management 

Step 1: Review Current Financial Management Processes  

  • Audit current financial management processes and spot areas to be improved. 

  • Pinpoint certain needs and goals related to the optimization of Now Assist in managing finances. 

Step 2: Configure Now Assist Tools   

  • Domain Separation: Using domain separation for Data Security and compliance. 

  • User Role Management: Establish user roles and grant permissions to make the system easier to manage and more secure. 

  • Cost Transparency Setup: Detailed cost model setup for visualization of IT costs and justification of cost-saving measures.  

Step 3: Integration with existing systems  

  • Integrate Now Assist with existing financial systems to centralize data and enhance visibility. 

  • Smoothen the navigation between Now Assist and other financial management tools.  

Step 4: Budgeting and Forecasting Automation 

  • Begin automating budgeting and forecasting processes through predictive analytics using Now Assist. 

  • Refresh actual to current forecasts on a regular basis with real insight and data.  

Step 5: Enhance Financial Reporting  

  • Leverage Now Assist reporting capabilities that would enable users to create dynamic, real-time financial reports.  

  • Represent the financial data through interactive visualization and interface dashboards to drive insight-driven decision-making.  

Step 6: Automated Test Framework - ATF Implementation 

  • Utilize ready-to-use tests to confirm the presence and continuous improvement of financial management processes.  

  • Schedule periodic reviews and updates of tests for ongoing optimization of the process.  

Step 7: Monitoring and Optimization 

  • Under continuous monitoring, integrated tools of Now Assist are used in financial management processes.  

  • Find more ways to optimize and then modify the things that help achieve maximum efficiency.  

Before Now Assist 

Before Now Assist was invented, many organizations faced the following challenges in carrying out financial management:  

  • Manual Budgeting and Forecasting: Budgets and forecasts are normally prepared manually, which in most cases takes too much time and is hence inaccurate and wasteful. 

  • Fragmented Expense Tracking: It resulted in fragmented tracking across systems, which prevented us from seeing what's really going on with the company's financial health. 

  • Limited Financial Visibility: Financial reporting was largely static and stale, which resulted in 'informed' timely decision-making capability. 

  • Complex User Role Management: The financial responsibilities and roles of big organizations are either difficult or error-free to handle. 

  • Lack of Cost Transparency: Organizations could not ascertain the costs of respective IT services and projects. Therefore, cost controls and optimization became seriously hampered. 

After Implementation Now Assist 

With Now Assist, all these challenges are fully met for optimized financial management.  

Automation of Budgeting and Forecasting  

  • Simplified Processes: Now Assist automates budgeting and forecasting using predictive analytics to provide accurate and timely financial projections.  

  • Smarter Accuracy: Automated processes minimize human error; hence, one gets more reliable financial planning.  

Tracking Expenses  

  • Unified System: Centrally housing all expense data provides a bird's-eye view of the financial transactions occurring. 

  • Real-time tracking: Expenses are tracked in real-time to enable immediate corrective actions, if necessary. 

Automated Financial Reporting

  • Dynamic Reports: Personalize your financial reporting in real-time for deep insights into performance. 

  • Data-Driven Decisioning: Empower your stakeholders with informed decisions based on current financial data that drive strategic growth. 

Ease of Management of User Roles

  • Simplify administration in financial roles and permission management; this equates to less administrative overhead and fewer errors. 

  • By implementing role-based access control, users will have appropriate levels of access, hence allowing for security and compliance.

Cost Transparency Improve

  • Cost Allocation: With detailed cost models, one will get insight into the cost allocated to IT services and projects.  

  • Financial Insights: Improved cost transparency can help reduce costs by leveraging this insight into cost-saving opportunities in IT investments.  


Now Assist's Analytics for Strategic Portfolio Management 

strategic portfolio management

Fig 3.0: Strategic Portfolio Management- NowAssist 


Strategic Portfolio Management drives IT projects to business realization. Now Assist further extends SPM through deep analytics, thus setting sharp insight into the management of project portfolios. Here are ways in which Now Assist alters the game for SPM. The following is the before-and-after perspective regarding how to implement Now Assist into SPM.  

Before Now Assist  

Organizations would normally experience the following problems: 

  • Lack of Visibility: Inability to view real-time performance of projects. 

  • Poor Resource Allocation: Resources are not shared optimally between projects.  

  • Reactive Risk Management: Risks are identified after they have hit the projects.  

After Implementation Now Assist  

Now Assist helps to overcome these challenges thusly:  

Holistic Insights

  • Real-time Analytics: Instantly see the visibility of performance at a project level, how it aligns with the business, and what actions can be taken for improvement. 

  • Key Performance Indicators: Monitor key performance indicators to ensure that projects remain on target. 

  • Trend Analytics: Perform analytics to show effective resource allocation. 

Resource Optimization  

  • Efficient Allocation: Using analytics to allocate resources optimally.  

  • Capacity Planning: Forecasting resource needs and planning capacity effectively.  

  • Skill Matching: Ensuring the right resources are assigned to the right projects. 

Proactive Risk Management

  • Risk Identification: Early detection of risk through predictive analytics.  

  • Mitigation Strategies: Strategies to mitigate the identified risks. 

  • Constant Monitoring: Risk levels are constantly monitored at each different stage of a project.  

Financial Oversight

  • Budget Tracking: Real-time project-level budgeting.  

  • Cost Analysis: Perform cost analyses and report actual vs. budget costs of projects. 

  • ROI Measurement: Measuring the return on investment for each project. 

Implementation Steps for Now Assist in SPM  

Step 1: Setup and Configuration  

  • Now Assist Configuration: Configure the solution to suit your organizational needs w.r.t Portfolio Management.  

  • Metrics Definition: Establishment of key metrics to track and report.  

Step 2: Data Integration 

  • Integrate Data Sources: Connect Now Assist with existing project management systems as well as financial systems.  

  • Ensure Data Accuracy: Verify that data is complete and accurate.

Step 3: Dashboards and Reports Customization 

  • Create Dashboards: Develop user-custom dashboards for the actual visualization of key project data.  

  • Create Reports: Automate reporting so that routine updates are provided to stakeholders.  

Step 4: User Training  

  • User Training: Train users in Now Assist for SPM usage. 
  • Best Practices: Leverage analytics and reports to follow best practices effectively.  

Step 5: Monitoring and Optimisation  

  • Ongoing Monitoring: Ongoing monitoring projects, making adjustments as necessary.  

  • Feedback Loop: Establish feedback loops to further refine processes and implement improvements in optimizing results. 

Now Assist Automates Resource Management to Higher Levels of Efficiency 

Resource management is a major component of any business that is in the pursuit of realizing high productivity and completing projects at the minimum approved budget on time. Now Assist automates it, enhancing resource management by ensuring the processes run far more smoothly, resource utilization is optimized, and providing valuable insights. 

Before Now Assist 

Organizations had to bear a lot of issues that were attributed to resource management, including: 

  • Manual Scheduling: Scheduling of resources was generally done manually, hence being prone to inefficiencies and errors. 

  • Poor Resource Allocation: Problems in creating the right fit of resources with projects that suit their skills and availability.  

  • Lack of Visibility: There is much less visibility with respect to the utilization and capacity of resources; hence, making wise decisions is difficult. 

Implementation after Now Assist  

With Now Assist, these challenges are overcome:  

Automation of Resource Scheduling

  • Smooth Workflow: Schedules resources automatically and reduces the administrative burden.  

  • Less Error: Avoids many of the errors and conflicts arising in scheduling.  

  • Real-time Adjustments: Meet swift adaptations as project requirements and resource capacity change.

Optimized Resource Allocation 

  • Skill Matching: Resources will be assigned to projects based on their skills for the best fit.   

  • Capacity Planning: Resource demand is forecasted, and hence, the capacity can be planned much more effectively. 

  • Resource Utilization Monitoring: Diverting the under or overutilization of resources it enables real resource utilization tracking 

Better Visibility and Insights

  • Centralized Data: Central view of all the data about resources, hence getting better transparency.  

  • Performance Metrics: Following key metrics to evaluate resource performance.  

  • Data-driven Decisions: Insight from analytics and use this insight to make better resource management decisions. 

Key Capabilities of Now Assist in Resource Management  

key features of now assist

Fig 4.0: Key Capabilities of Now Assist  

Automated Scheduling

  • Efficiency: Automates the Scheduling process. 
  • Error Prevention: Eliminates manual errors. 
  • Agility: Adapts instantly to changes.  

Optimize Resource Allocation

  • Skill-Based Match: The right resources will be assigned to the right projects. 
  • Capacity Planning: Helps in effective resource forecasting. 
  • Utilization Tracking: Allows monitoring of how resources are used in real time. 

Centralized Visibility

  • Unified Data: Centralizes all resource-related data in one location. 
  • Performance Tracking: Keeps track of resource performance metrics. 
  • Informed Decision-Making: Does better management, gaining perception through data.  

How to Implement Now Assist in Resource Management  

Step 1: Assess Current Processes 

  • Identify the gaps and opportunities for improvements in your existing processes.  

Step 2: Now Assist Tool Configuration  

  • Configure Now Assist to your organizational needs relative to resource management.  
  • Establish metrics and KPIs by which you will monitor resource performance.  

Step 3: Integration with Existing Systems  

  • Integrate Now Assist with the project management systems and HR systems currently in use so that all data is housed in one location. 

  • Verify that the information is accurate and complete.

Step 4: Automate Scheduling and Allocation 

  • Apply Now Help automation meets the right scheduling and allocation system. 
  • Periodically review and rectify resource plans integrated with actual data. 

Step 5: Visualize Better with Dashboards and Reports 

  • Create personalized dashboards based on your most important resource information. 
  • Automate regular reporting at a defined frequency to stakeholders so that they may be regularly informed.

Step 6: User Training and Performance Monitoring 

  • Now Assist in training your team on resource management. 
  • Establish a Continuous Improvement Feedback Loop of process improvements based on the performance data.

Streamline Vendor Management Processes with Now Assist 

Therefore, three of the most important facets: healthy relationships with vendors, compliance, and improvement in costs-all depend on this fact. Now Assist helps in smoother flows in the processes involved in the management of vendors, hence allowing better management of the relationship between the vendors, monitoring their performance, and mitigating against risks by a huge margin. 

Before Now Assist 

Most organizations have to face a lot of problems in relation to vendor management, which includes: 

  • Manual Tracking: The tracking of vendors for both performance and compliance is uniform and mostly manual.  
  • Fragmented Data: Information exists in disparate systems, making it tough to get a comprehensive view of anything.  
  • Risk Management: Very difficult to identify and mitigate risks coming from vendors; most are reactive.  

After the Implementation of Now Assist  

Now Assist effectively meets these challenges in the following ways:   

Automating Vendor Performance Tracking

  • Consistency: Automates the tracking of vendor performance against Service Level Agreements. 
  • Transparency: It provides clear and consistent data on performance. 
  • Proactive Management: Ensures that issues are identified well in time for timely intervention. 

Centralized Vendor Data

  • Unified View: Consolidates all vendor information into one platform. 

  • Ease of Access: Makes access and analysis of data relating to vendors easier. 

  • Better Collaboration: It helps facilitate better communication and collaboration with vendors

Risk Management and Compliance: 

  • Identification of Risks: It deploys analytics in the identification of various types of risks that could be associated with each vendor
  • Mitigation Strategies: Formulate and implement ways to mitigate the detected risks.  
  • Compliance Monitoring: Assurance of compliance with regulation by vendors. 

Key Features of Now Assist for Vendor Management  

Tracking of Vendor Performance

  • Automation of Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of vendor performance against SLAs. 
  • Performance Dashboards: Real-time performance insight through visual dashboards.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Deviation in performance alerted.  

Centralized Vendor Management

  • Unified Data Repository: One source of truth for all data related to the vendor.
  • Easy Retrieval of Data: Quick access to key data about the vendor. Vendor Collaboration Tools: Smoothen collaboration with the vendor via integrated tools.

Risk and Compliance Management

  • Risk Analytics: It identifies and measures several types of vendor-related risks. 
  • Compliance tracking: It ensures the compliance of vendors regarding regulatory requirements. 
  • Mitigation plans: Development and tracking implementation of mitigation plans of risks. 
While Generative AI presents a valuable opportunity to improve risk and compliance management, its effective application depends on overcoming the challenges and ethical issues intrinsic to AI technologies. Explore here - Generative AI for Risk Management

Steps to implement now assist in vendor management   

Step 1: Assess the present processes in vendor management   

  • Identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. 

Step 2: Configure Now Assist Tools 

  • Set up Now Assist to align with your vendor management needs. 

  • Define metrics and KPIs for tracking vendor performance.

Step 3: Integration with Existing Systems 

  • Connect Now Assist your existing procurement and compliance systems to centralize data. 

  • Ensure data accuracy and completeness. 

Step 4: Automate Performance Tracking and Risk Management 

  • Automate your monitoring of your vendor's performance and effectively manage the risk in Now Assist. 

  • Real-time monitoring and adapting.

Step 5: Gain Visibility with Dashboards and Reports 

  • Create customized dashboards that provide real-time visualization of your key vendor information. 

  • Provide Identification and automated reporting in terms of regular updates regarding stakeholders. 

Step 6: Training Users and Performance Monitoring 

  • Train your team on how to use Now Assist for vendor management. 

  • Establish a feedback loop to continuously improve processes based on performance data.