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AI has revolutionized the RTA by optimizing vehicle parking operations. Intelligent agents analyze databases to provide real-time parking information, assisting users in finding available parking spaces more efficiently and calculating parking fees based on their requirements. 

01-02-2024 Smart Parking solutions - Page Visuals_03 Introduction Visual

Business Challenge :

One of the main objectives of RTA is to provide convenient and accessible parking services for the public. However, the increasing demand for parking spaces due to the growing number of vehicles creates a problematic situation for RTA to manage. This is especially true in urban areas with limited space and high traffic congestion. Therefore, RTA needs to find innovative and practical solutions to address this challenge and seize the opportunities that arise from it. 



The problem of parking scarcity is a significant concern for RTA, especially in areas with high vehicle density. We have developed an AI agent to help users find and reserve parking spaces quickly to address this issue. The AI agent can also provide information about the parking fee and the traffic situation in the area. Users can interact with the AI agent that can answer their queries and assist them with their parking needs. 



To attain the objective, we have divided the necessary actions into three primary phases as follows: 




Results :


Figure 1 is the homepage



 Figure 2's role in assisting users with parking service queries



Figure 3's establishment of an administration page for centralized information access offers a comprehensive understanding of the AI agent's capabilities



Figure 4's depiction of real-time congestion status analysis further emphasizes the AI agent's functionality in providing users with up-to-date traffic information


This multi-faceted approach ensures that users can easily access relevant information and assistance through the RTA chatbot, enhancing the overall user experience and contributing to more efficient traffic management. 



The impact of the AI technology integration in RTA in vehicle parking results in a seamless, efficient, and user-friendly experience. By responding promptly to user queries, the AI agent offers assistance with parking space location and traffic congestion within the specified location. It saves a lot of time, ultimately contributing to developing more innovative and sustainable cities.  


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Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill

Chief Research Officer (CRO) and Head of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum

“ We are committed in finding best AI-driven technology solutions for empower our clients in building advanced AI capabilities to solve complex enterprise challenges and re-invent businesses to innovate faster and drive intelligent business outcome at reduced cost. ”