XenonStack Recommends

Real-Time Analytics Services and Solutions - Real Time AI Company

Make Data-Driven Decisions at the Speed of Business

Efficiently integrate Real-time analytics services with AI for data ingestion, processing and streaming analysis to continuously gain insights for enterprises to make more accurate predictions and more confident decisions.


Continuous Intelligence

Operate time-sensitive processes with the latest, most accurate, and high-frequency intuitive insights to increase business value.


Real-Time AI 

Real-Time Personalisation and Recommendations to implement the right targeting for clients to increase brand engagement, effective monetisation, and order value.


Real-Time Decision Making with Agility

Quick Response to customers and delivering the right services in real-time help organizations gain a competitive edge and improve agility.

Real Time Analytics for Continuous Intelligence

Enable organizations to quickly identify and respond to anomalies before they impact the business environment with accelerated time to insight and action to make better data-driven informed decisions.


Real-Time Analytics Architecture Services for Enterprises

XenonStack Enabling Real Time Stream Ingestion

Building Real-Time Analytics Data Stack

Enable Real-Time Stream Ingestion, storage and processing  to drive game-changing, Enterprise level significant improvements

XenonStack Enabling Real Time Stream Ingestion Storage

Solutions for building a IoT Dashboard for Businesses. XenonStack prepares the data and generate operational insights

Enable the streaming pipelines for reliable and consistent mission-critical applications and processes

Solutions for enabling enterprises to Host On-Premises/Public Self Service Presto/Hive Cluster and can enable queries directly on S3/HDFS/GlusterFS.

Streaming visualizations helps Enterprises to visualize operational performance and Perform insightful decisions immediately.

Cloud Solutions For Real Time Analytics

Run enterprise's most demanding workloads with complete visibility into your entire ecosystem.


Azure Streaming Solutions

Enable data pipelines and analyse millions of events in an instant with SignalR, Event Hubs and Azure HDInsight.

Enabling Advanced Business Intelligence with Real Time Analytics Tools

Real-time analytics solutions for continuous, streaming queries on IoT and big data sources.

Streaming Real Time Analytics Platform

Helping Enterprises to gain continuous real-time insights for operational efficiency


Enterprise Technology


Banking and Finance Sector









Key Enablers

Enablers for Accelerating Digital Transformation


Enterprise AI

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Big Data Engineering


Generative AI




Data Science


Data Visualization


Here are our Recommendations...

Introduction In the rapidly changing world of IT "Service management (ITSM) involves the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)" has become a powerful force. Among the different AI-powered...

Introduction to ServiceNow Founded in 2003 by Fred Luddy, ServiceNow quickly established itself as a revolutionary player in enterprise IT service management (ITSM) with its innovative cloud-based...

Overview of Agentic AI Agentic systems need self-sustaining systems that act independently, make selections, and interact with their environments without human intervention. Unlike conventional...

Introduction to Apache Kafka In a data-driven approach, business decisions are based on data, not intuitions. Hence, data-driven organizations use this strategic process to leverage insights from...

Real-Time Event Processing with Kafka As the industry grows, that produced has also increased in the changing scenario. This data can be a great asset to the business if analyzed properly. Most tech...

Understanding Data Integration Data integration is the process of combining data from disparate sources to provide users with a unified view.

Gen AI in Customer Success In less than a year, generative AI has significantly improved, changing how we think about creativity and productivity. It has transformed various fields, from image to...

Introduction to Generative AI and Intelligent Automation Generative AI and Intelligent Automation are two groundbreaking technologies reshaping various industries and processes. Both are integral...

What is Generative AI? Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence used to create new content like Images and technical or non-technical information in text or code. Many Generative AI tools...

What is Release Engineering? Release engineering is a new and rapidly growing subject of software engineering. It derives the standards for application development and is seriously followed to ensure...

Overview of Persistent Storage Persistent Storage is a critical part in order to run stateful containers. Kubernetes is an open source system for automating deployment and management of containerized...

Overview In today's fast-paced business environment, large, complex organizations often grapple with wasted work and friction, leading to billions of dollars in losses daily. These inefficiencies...

What is Federated Learning? Federated learning is a Machine Learning technique that involves training an algorithm through several decentralized edge devices or servers that carry local data samples...

Evolution of Analytics in the last decade Around ten years ago, the tools for analytics or the available resources were Excel, SQL databases, and similar relatively simple ones compared to the...

Introduction to Real-Time Analytics Data without context is worthless. All our efforts will be in vain if we hesitate to act, pivot, or modify. We can examine every rock and draw every potential...

Introduction to Streaming Data Visualization Streaming Data Visualization gives users Real-Time Data Analytics to see the trends and patterns in the data to take action rapidly. It is the control of...

Introduction to Data Visualization Data Visualization is a method of translating raw data into visual forms like charts, graphs, and maps. It has quickly become famous for publishing information on...

What is user Experience Testing? User experience testing is having actual people engage with a website, app, or other product you've created and analyzing their behaviours and reactions. It is a...

Clutch Review for Big Data and Cloud Consulting XenonStack Joins Clutch’s Research of Best Big Data and Cloud Consulting Companies. Read more about the review XenonStack Big Data Analytics Consulting...

Introduction The transition to 5G is not just a small step forward; it's a groundbreaking move that revolutionizes the entire spectrum of wireless communication. While much has been said about public...

Introduction In today's digital age, the need for faster and more reliable network connectivity is more crucial than ever. Whether you're streaming video content, playing online games, or running a...

Introduction to Cloud Native Applications Applications that are developed and deployed using cloud-based technologies are known as Cloud-Native Applications. They are hosted and managed in the cloud....

Introduction to Cloud Native Storage Solutions: Efficient Data Management Cloud native is a new paradigm for developing and running software applications that incorporates technological trends such...

Introduction to Cloud Native Network Functions A cloud-native network function (CNF) is a service that executes network functions in software rather than dedicated hardware. Because of the huge and...

Introduction to Adaptive Security Adaptive Security is a real-time security model or approach that continuously investigates behaviors and events to protect against the threat and adapt to the...

Introducing AWS Security Services AWS Security is responsible for protecting the global infrastructure that runs all the Amazon Web Services cloud services and the cloud itself. This infrastructure...

Introduction Large Language Models, or LLMs, have emerged as powerful tools for the industry that have the potential to transform a variety of sectors. They can make inventive create text, interpret...

Introduction Generative AI is revolutionizing urban landscapes, catapulting cities into a future where technology complements and enhances every aspect of urban living. This digital transformation...

The landscape of financial markets and wealth management is rapidly evolving, driven by advances in technology and data science. Among the most promising developments is applying Reinforcement...

In today's modern enterprise, engineering leaders must prioritize quality assurance in software delivery to ensure software's rapid and flawless delivery. Millions of customers use various devices...

Digital Transformation Enablers

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Enterprise Technology

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Banking and Finance Sector

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Consumer Technology

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Oil and Gas

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Enablers for Accelerating Digital Transformation

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  • DataOps Services_19 Line-Icon-Insurance

    Enterprise AI

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    Big Data Engineering

  • DataOps Services_19 Line-Icon-Insurance

    Generative AI

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  • DataOps Services_19 Line-Icon-Insurance

    Data Science

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    Data Visualization

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    Cloud Native Applications

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    Cyber Security

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    Artificial Intelligence

 Related Real Time Analytics Insights

Understanding Time-series Databases


Understanding Time-series Databases


IoT Analytics Platform for Real-Time Data Ingestion

IoT Analytics Platform for Real-Time Data Ingestion

Building Data Lake with Apache NiFi


Building Data Lake with Apache NiFi

Streaming analytics

Predictive analytics

Edge Computing

Internet of Things

Streaming analytics

Streaming analytics is continuously processing and analyzing data records rather than in batches. Streaming analytics is helpful for data sources that send data in small sizes in a steady flow as the data is generated.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics is a branch of advanced analytics that predicts future outcomes using documented information combined with modeling, data mining, and ML.

Edge Computing is a distributed computing paradigm in which processing and computation are performed mainly on classified device nodes known as smart devices or edge devices.

Internet of Things

Overview of IoT and a guide to implement IoT Solutions for your organization.