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Application Modernization

Infrastructure Automation Architecture and Solutions | Use Case

Gursimran Singh | 01 August 2024

Infrastructure Automation Process Architecture and Solutions


To provide the client with solutions on Automating Infrastructure and the Release Engineering process for his microservice related to Navigation Maps.

What is the challenge in infrastructure automation?

The client faced challenges in managing his microservice with a low-cost solution. Xenonstack provided a solution to embed cloud computing and containerization to handle the workflow.

Solution offered by Xenonstack

Xenonstack provided the solution to embed cloud computing and containerization to handle the workflow. Cloud computing services such as AWS for production-ready environments. Bare metal setup for testing environment.


  • AWS EKS for running microservice in containerized form.
  • Bare metal VMs for Multi-Node K8s environment locally (Vagrant).
  • Jenkins for CI/CD on AWS EKS.
  • Ansible for CI/CD on bare metal.

Click to explore about our, Infrastructure Automation for Big Data

Architecture for infrastructure automation

Architecture stack included Cloud as well as Bare Metal architecture where local stack replicates the Production environment.
  • Vagrant provides VMs for multi-node K8s.
  • Ansible scripts to automate K8s setup using Vagrant.
  • Ansible scripts to automate the deployment of helm charts for:
  1. Monitoring stack
  2. Load Balancer (MetalLB)
  3. Ingress


  • Multi-Node high availability Production-ready environment.
  • Minimal cost solution for the testing environment by replicating the Production environment on Bare Metal.
  • CI/CD setup on local via Ansible script provides a pipeline to deploy complete architecture in one click.
  • Load Balancing using MetalLB and Nginx on local to replicate AWS ELB.

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