All Day DevOps Event Overview
We are proudly supporting the All Day DevOps event which is going to be held on November 10, 2022. Unlike the last year's its conference, this track includes CI/CD, Cloud-Native Infrastructure, DevSecOps, Cultural Transformations, and Site Reliability Engineering.
Key Highlights
- 180 Speakers
- 6 Tracks
- 24 Hours
- 158 Countries (and growing)
Overview of tracks form the ADDO Event
Below are the listed tracks of all day devops event:
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
Continuous Delivery
Continuous delivery is a branch of continuous integration. It concentrates on automating the software delivery process so that teams can quickly and confidently deploy their code to production at any point.
Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration means isolated changes are tested and reported when they are added to a larger codebase. The goal of continuous integration is to give rapid feedback so that any defect can be identified and corrected as soon as possible.Speakers
- Alan Hohn
- Akhil Sharma
- Adrian Iliesiu
- Abdelmajid Aneddame
- Arthy Loganathan
Modern Infrastructure
Cloud-Native is a software architecture pattern for developing applications using essential cloud computing principles such as scalability, elasticity, and agility. All Day DevOps speakers will talk about automation, and critical steps to treat infrastructure as code. The talk will also include version control and automated testing.
- Adam Keller
- Alex Gervais
- Amir Shaked
- Andrei Buzoianu
- Anton Babenko
Cultural Transformations
Currently, businesses are changing their way is towards DevOps and significant cultural changes are required that encompass people, processes, and technology. Cultural Transformation is a powerful tool for leadership that is used for the increasing role that culture plays in today's business world.
DevSecOps is a practice of implementing security at every step in the DevOps Lifecycle. According to the traditional method where penetration tests and vulnerability assessment were done after the build, DevSecOps is based on the concept of integrating security assessments and vulnerability tests at each point of the CI/CD pipeline. DevSecOps implements security within the DevOps workflow.
- Ann Marie Fred
- Bryan Guinn
- Chris Reddington
- Chris Romeo
- Craeg Strong
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
The reliability engineering of sites (SRE, for its acronym in English) is a discipline that incorporates aspects of engineering software and applies to IT operational problems. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a discipline that consolidates aspects of software engineering and applies them to resolved IT operation problems.
- Ana Margarita Medina
- Chris Corriere
- Christina Zeller
- Daniel Oh
- Dave Anderson
Software Supply Chain
Some IT leaders see DevOps and agile practices as a means to accomplish their software projects. Software supply chain enable enterprises for making and distribute a software product. It is applied to the production of software or product, including building orchestrators and tools such as all the raw materials or components, delivery channels, and mechanisms to encompass the people, organizations, and processes involved in software development for expedited development and reduced time to market.
- Abdelmajid Aneddame
- Neha Sharma
- Adam Keller
- Adrian Iliesiu
- Akhil Sharma