Overview of Building ChatBots with Deep Learning
A ChatBot is an implementation of Conversational Interface Intelligently comprising of Machine Learning, Deep Learning as their backbone. ChatBots hold variety including be Textual, Voice and Image-based interactions.
The growth of chatbots has opened up new areas of customer engagement and new methods of fulfilling business in the form of conversational commerce. It is the most useful technology that businesses can rely on, possibly following the old models and producing apps and websites redundant. A chatbot is a computer program that copies human communications in its natural format including text or spoken language using AI procedures such as Natural Language Processing, image, video processing, and audio analysis. The most impressive characteristic of the bots is that they learn from past interactions and become intelligent and more intelligent over time. Chatbots works in two ways- rule-based and smart machine based. Rule-based chatbots give predefined responses from a database, based on the keywords used for the research. However, smart machine based chatbots receive its capabilities from Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing and adapt their operation based on customer interactions.
- Sense
- Think
- Act
Business Challenge for Building Chatbots
- Fixed set of answers
- Integration of ChatBot
- Understanding of Problem
- Security Issues
- Lack of Human Behaviour and Intentions
- Managing a ChatBot
- NLP limitations
Solution Offered for Implementing ChatBots with Deep Learning
Deep Learning which is galvanized by the functioning of the human brain, has composite engineering and used for the imitation of the data. Neural Network acts as the elementary brick of Deep Learning. A Neural Network is an Artificial Model of the human brain network modeled using hardware and software.
ChatBots Implementation Techniques
- Streaming of incoming data through the backend
- Create a model using Natural Language Processing
- Create a Natural Conversational Flow
- Add features to automate the process
- Invite Customers to Join
ChatBots Applications and Uses
ChatBot Applications are revolutionizing the world through efficient Human- Machine communication and Machine Learning Services. ChatBots covers an abundant audience including textual messages, Voice and Speech Conversations.
Advantages of ChatBot Applications involve -
- 24*7 Availability
- Platform Independent
- Time Saver
- Captures Onlookers
- Cost Efficient
Various ChatBot Applications -
- Sales Lead Nurturing
- Client and Scrum Meetings
- HR Recruitment
- Website Enquiries
- Maintenance Support
- Emailing and Marketing
- Industries like HealthCare, Finance, Travel