Solution Architecture And Use Cases - XenonStack

Human Pose Estimation and Action Recognition

Written by Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | 14 October 2024

What is Human Pose Estimation?

Human pose estimation, therefore, can be defined simply as the task by which machines try to identify and locate specific points on human bodies from images or videos. This relates to the displacement of key points—head, shoulders, elbows, and knees—in two dimensions (2D) or three dimensions (3D). The consequences of accurately estimating human pose are far-reaching, and hence, it is crucial since machines need to learn the basis of postures and motions. 

For instance, the area of interest is healthcare. Real-time accurate pose estimation can help to assess a patient’s mobility and physical state. With this technology, designers can quantify movement in individuals and can recognize any abnormality to normal movement and the fundamental jobs of the body that are likely to be an indication of a health complication such as falls and poor mobility. Likewise, in sports, pose estimation will be helpful for the coaches to analyze how the athlete is moving and how it can be improved or prevented from causing harm. 

The computer vision based technology that detects and analyzes human posture. Taken From Article, Human Pose Estimation for Sport Analytics

The Role of Action Recognition 

However, when the human poses are accurately estimated, one is left with the action recognition problem. This process includes translating the actions done by particular key points to set certain activities like walking, running, or jumping and even detailed movements like waving or reaching. A major issue here arises from the very fact that human motion is hardly ever consistent in the last degree; minor differences in the way in which a movement is performed may be interpreted in drastically different ways- this is why this field is very engaging yet very complicated at the same time. 


As demonstrated before, action recognition has imperative implications for almost every field of study. In the sphere of public safety, it might help improve the surveillance system by indicating that someone is behaving uncomfortably, having a seizure, or starting to act threateningly. In smart homes, hand gestures can also help control various gadgets, making the control system more natural. 

Face Recognition uses computer algorithms to find specific details about a person's face. Taken From Article, Face Recognition and Detection

Understanding the Problem 

Safety Monitoring
  • Accident Detection: Falling or any form of accident can be recognized automatically, leading to immediate alerts. Hence, response to the incidences can also be fast, thus preventing more from passing away. 

  • Emergency Situations: The ability to recognize emergency situations and paranormal behaviors enables early action, thus improving safety. 

Behavior Analysis
  • Suspicious Activity Detection: Real-time detection of such behaviors can enhance security in facilities where people gather, such as social places and employers’ places of business.  

  • Compliance Monitoring: Supervising activity and checking compliance with safety directives or recommendations during operations. 

Performance Enhancement
  • Movement Analysis: Observing the physical gestures made during practice will be useful in sports, dancing, or any kind of exercise. It will allow correction where necessary to reduce accidents.  

  • Personalized Feedback: Making recommendations on observed performance in an activity with the goal of improving that activity. 

User Interaction
  • Gesture-Based Control: Enabling user control of the devices through gestures to make the technology easy to use, especially for persons with mobility impairments.  

  • Enhanced Engagement: Bringing increased interactivity in app-generated experiences, including educational, training, or entertainment environments. 

Traffic and Pedestrian Safety
  • Behavior Analysis in Traffic: A study of pedestrian path analysis can play an important role in optimizing the existing or new traffic control systems and increasing the safety of road users at a crossing or intersection.  

  • Driver Monitoring: Evaluating driver behavior and vigilance in order to prevent the risks inherent in distracted or fatigued driving. 

Crafting the Solution 

A Step-by-Step Approach 

1. From Video Frame to 2D Human Keypoints 

Figure – Mapping of Human Keypoints 


Overview: The first phase of human pose estimation includes identifying components of a human body in each frame of the video signaled by bright points organized in correspondence with the skeleton topology. It is a process of converting video space into the spatial coordinates of human posture.


Key Steps: 

  • Image Acquisition: Record video frames with standard RGB cameras. Ensure that the camera's positioning allows close recognition of the subjects to be monitored.  

  • Preprocessing: Products are further proposed to perform a standard normalization of the input images to enhance the model’s outcome. As part of data preprocessing, it is possible to scale, transform colors, or apply other standard operations to a dataset to make it more adaptable.  

  • Model Selection: Use an optimal model for 2D pose detection, maybe a CNN model enhanced for keypoint detection. To maintain high accuracy for this model, a data set should be developed containing the annotated key points, such as COCO or MPII, etc.  

  • Keypoint Detection: Perform a model on each frame to detect and localize 2D key points that signify the human skeleton. Each key point will be represented by the coordinates of its position in the frame, coordinates (x, y). 

2. Mapping 2D to 3D Human Keypoints 

Overview: As mentioned earlier, 2D key points are fundamental, and riding them into the third dimension improves the perception of human motion in space. 


Key Steps: 

  • Depth Estimation: One method employs other methods, like triangulation or training machine learning algorithms, which use information produced by 2D key points to approximate depth and devise a 3D map for each.  

  • 3D Model Fitting: A 3D human model is worn to the detected key points for improved representation of stance and motion. Nevertheless, it is possible to fine-tune this model according to the listed key points to make its appearance resemble actual human bodies.  

  • Temporal Context: Engage temporal information by processing the frames and determining the relative motions of key points in practice to enhance the diagnostic precision of the 3D pose estimation. 

3. Identifying Human Actions 

Figure - Mapping 2D to 3D 


Overview: When both 2D and 3D key points have been determined, the following step is to study the movements in order to identify an individual's specific action or behavior. 


Key Steps: 

  • Action Recognition Algorithms: Find or design methods to determine types of action based on trajectories of keypoint displacements. This is especially true if the preprocessing results in sequential data, and there are techniques such as LSTM or other kinds of recurrent neural networks (RNNs).  

  • Heuristic Analysis: Describe how simple heuristic methods can be applied to monitor changes in the keypoint position and velocity. For instance, where the height of the head or distance of the limbs is detected, it is possible to deduce if the person is walking, jumping, or falling.  

  • Data Fusion: Fusion of data from different modalities (2D and 3D key points) that would enhance the recognition performance. This may include deploying data from one or more frames toward increasing the context and validity of the action being defined. 

4. Real-Time Implementation 

Overview: Practical systems require the system to work in real-time in a fashion where it provides feedback and responses in real-time. 


Key Steps:   

  • Optimized Algorithms: Apply effective operations that require small calculations so that the video frames can be worked on quickly. Measures like quantization of a model or pruning offer an opportunity to lower needed resources.  

  • Edge Computing: Load the solutions on edge devices like GPUs or any other AI-specific hardware to achieve the least latency for processing and response.  

  • User Interface: Create a clean and easy-to-use graphical overlay on the images that show detected pose actions and information derived from the analysis. 

Testing and Validation 

Activity Monitoring: The camera recorded video samples of various situations to note various actions, which included: 
  • Walking: Monitoring people in the office corridor to cover all moving ranges, testing the model's ability to identify and analyze walking.  

  • Riding a Scooter: To assess the model's deeper capacity by making its components and algorithms foresee and recognize not only the very typical and average motions compared to those closely associated with the device, one may sit on a scooter and observe how well the model responds to more dynamic and unique movements.  

  • Playful Gestures: Recognising specific types of activity like waving or jumping, which the system should be able to detect since motion is different and is not limited to regular activities. 

Performance Evaluation

  • Accuracy: The developed model performed very well in identifying and categorizing these actions, irrespective of the differences in speed and direction.  

  • Responsiveness: It was also possible to perform real-time applications on the captured video frames and receive feedback on detected actions. This is important for applications that need real-time response, like security or interactive applications. 

Feedback and Iteration: The validation information proved quite useful in identifying aspects that were well done and those that required some improvement. The observations from the activity monitoring applied to tuning lead to a higher accuracy of detections in algorithms as well as an enriched user experience. 


Use Cases: Real-World Applications 

The implications of our work are significant, especially in the following areas: 

Fall Detection

  • In the healthcare context, correctly identifying falls in real-time is crucial, as it may prove to be a matter of life and death. By constantly being in touch with patients, caregivers will instantly receive a notification if one of them has fallen and requires help. 

Smoking Detection

  • Install automatic monitoring systems to identify smokers in a particular area to enforce no-smoking zones. This will decrease levels of exposure and achieve desired standards of environmental sanitation. 

Fitness and Rehabilitation

  • Pose estimation can also be used to provide feedback to the patient or the user during the exercise routines or rehab processes since it can recognize the pose of the patient’s body. Supervision of an individual improves on the time correction is done and reduces the possibility of participants being harmed during workouts. 

Human-Computer Interaction

  • Gesture recognition is breaking new ground in interacting with gadgets. For example, a person can manage his smart home or applications and interface only through hand gestures.  


Human pose estimation and action recognition transform societies’ relationship with technology and safety, greatly improving multiple domains. We propose to pursue this by deploying an RGB camera-based solution that uses Deep Learning and Computer Vision to create practical use cases. The technologies in the domain of human pose estimation and action recognition shall have a very bright future. Skills in AI and computer vision allow us to observe human behavior.